Corrections and Remediation

          If the teacher scores mathematics problems with the above criteria, the students are going to get poor grades at times. This can be disheartening for the student, the teacher, and the parents. The goal of education is not to show students what they are doing wrong, but to teach them to do it right. For this reason, Vanguard Education strongly recommends that all students have the opportunity to do corrections. This is yet more work for the teacher.
          Any mathematics problem which is marked as wrong can be corrected. The student can add the appropriate label, show the appropriate work, redo the problem, or whatever needs to be done to make it right. When the student does the correction, the paper is returned to the teacher. When the problem is right, the score is altered to reflect this. The student may try once, twice, or ten times or more to get a problem correct. This is also an opportunity for the teacher to help the student understand that particular type of problem.
          With corrections, every student has an opportunity to get every problem correct on every assignment. Every student can have a 100% average grade in mathematics class.
          If the teacher is teaching in a classroom setting, doing corrections is a large amount of work for the teacher. Perhaps some of the older students can look at the corrections submitted by younger students in a different class. Perhaps there is a teacher's aide, or someone else who can help.
          In a home school setting, Vanguard Education recommends that no mathematics assignment is complete until every problem in the assignment is complete and correct. When students grow up with this expectation, there are no complaints. As adults, they are amazing at solving a variety of problems, including non-mathematical problems. They know that the work is not done until it is done right.


          One advantage of Saxon mathematics books is the supplemental practice section in the back of the book. Supplemental practice questions are available for students who need more work on a particular type of problem.
          When scoring a mathematics paper, or when scoring corrections, the teacher may notice that the student doesn't seem to understand a certain concept, or how to do a certain type of problem. The teacher has the option of assigning supplemental practice problems to that student. The teacher must individualize the supplemental practice assignment to the student's needs.
          The upper level Saxon books often do not have supplemental practice. The tests can be used as supplemental practice. Also, if the student is having trouble with a concept which was taught in a previous Saxon book, supplemental practice from that previous book can be used.


          Saxon mathematics is not easy. Home school students are doing mathematics work which is designed for students two or three years older than they. The end result is a challenging mathematics program. Eventually, most students will become frustrated and have a difficult time. Expect this. Before the teacher (that would be you) becomes frustrated or angry, remember that your student is doing work which is very advanced.
          One technique which works well is half lessons. Saxon 3 is designed for half lessons; the remainder of the Saxon books are not.
          Each Saxon mathematics book begins with review lessons. The student should already know all or nearly all of the material at the beginning of a Saxon mathematics book. When beginning a new Saxon book, the child always begins by completing one whole lesson daily.
          As the book progresses, it becomes more difficult. If the student is becoming frustrated, or is spending too much time completing a mathematics assignment, the teacher has the option of changing the student to half lessons.
          When doing half lessons daily, the student does the even numbered problems first (eg. problems #2, 4, 6, 8, etc.). If he misses one or less problems, he is allowed to progress to the next lesson without doing the odd problems.
          If he misses more than one problem, he must do the odd problems of the same lesson the next day. When doing odd problems, if he scores less than 80% on both the evens and the odds, then he does supplemental practice the following day instead of proceeding to the next lesson.



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