Some Greek letters do not line up with the English letters. The writers of the font were clever in some of the intuitive ways they matched up Greek letters to English letters. For example, the Greek letter eta (Ηη) is created using the English keyboard upper and lower case H. The English keyboard Q becomes the upper and lower case theta (Θθ). The Greek phi (Φφ) is made with the English keyboard F. Most Teknia Greek letters are made using the keystrokes for the equivalent letter in English. Here is a list of other Teknia Greek letters and accents, and which keystrokes make them.
(Due to a programming delay, this table is not available yet) Many other marks and symbols are available in Teknia Greek. To view the list using Microsoft Word, use INSERT → SYMBOL. Set the language in the upper left of the newly opened box to Teknia Greek. Then look at all of the characters and symbols available. If using Open Office or Libre Office, the menu combination is INSERT → SPECIAL CHARACTER. Again, set the language in the upper left of the newly opened window to Teknia Greek.
The Teknia Greek font is available for download and use by the general public at no charge. To download the Teknia Greek font, click here. After downloading, open the font by double clicking on it. At the top of the page is a place to click "install font." Click there and the font will install. If you are using an Apple computer, or if you have any trouble, it may be best to download the font directly from the source page. The source page is For those who wrote the Teknia Greek font, THANK YOU!